Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Silence is Golden

I feel like my last few posts have been emo overkill. And I know some of you looked at all the words and decided to just not read it ::cough:: Joe ::cough::. So, since I've been too wordy lately, I'll just post some pictures. These are way over due and I'm no camera genius, but here are pics of freezing in Leavenworth with the Hanson's and Clements', New Year's Eve at our place with some of our favorite people, and a fun day with a special little friend:) Ok. I promise not to talk for the rest of the post.




  1. I LOVE it when you talk and share what is on your heart and what God is teachng you!!! So don't stop that! But this is also a cute post because this is also your personality--having fun with people you love!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'll admit, your last post was intimidating in size, so initially I was like, "When will I have time for this?" But alas, I found time, and I enjoyed it a lot as I enjoy all your posts. :)

  4. awww what a good big brother... uggg i miss being social.. and new years eve hats and leavenworth hats and party hats in general....l
