Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Boy or Girl?

Baby Barton from the outside at 13 weeks

There has been a lot of talk around the gender of Baby Barton. Some strong theories have been presented along the way, most of which have nothing to do with anything.

Here are some of the things I've been alerted to:

-Baby Barton is a boy because you are carrying it all in the front.

-Baby Barton is a girl because you are obsessed w/ sugary sweets

-Baby Barton is a boy because the Chinese calendar says so

-Baby Barton is a girl because you were sick to your stomach in the first trimester

-Baby Barton is a boy because we need one more boy in the family to complete the starting line-up for our future basketball team

-Baby Barton is a girl because little girl clothes are way cuter than little boy clothes

-Wait, maybe the Chinese calendar said girl

-Wait, maybe you are carrying it all around, not just in the front

-Wait, I was more sick with my boy, not my girl

So to all you who have been guessing and giving me every reason in the book as to why it is whatever gender it is...you have a 50% chance of being completely wrong.

During our last ultrasound, where I was asked to go in to check for TWINS because I'm HUGE (there is only one in there no worries), our ultrasound tech gave us her guess as to this little baby's gender.
Until it's confirmed on July 6th, I'll let you all continue on with your scientific explanations of why it's a he or she. But just remember...

...you have a good chance of failing.

And Baby Barton, no pressure. You come out being whatever God made you to be. We'll welcome you with open arms, whether the next ultarsound shows us something extra, or the absence of something extra. But if you do have that something extra, you might be stuck with the name Billy Bob... Billy Bob Barton... my brain has come to a boy name block.

Baby Barton from the inside at 13 weeks. Was a very wiggly baby, even waved at us! It had hit Owen and I like a ton of bricks to see our squirmy wormy baby moving about. I almost started sobbing, but refrained. I was so overwhelmed by the miracle of this tiny little life. We are now at 16 weeks and waiting for 'the feeling'...I should start feeling him/her any day now!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Friend Like Mine

I have this friend. She's different than just your average friend. I'll tell you some things about her, and maybe you'll understand. But, you won't. Because you have to be friends with her to get it.

I remember right after I got engaged, I wanted to ask her to be in my wedding, but I thought she might think I was weird because we hadn't known each other for that long. But I prayed about it. And I thought that was weird because I figured God wouldn't care who was in my bridal party. Oh, He cared. He answered. And in hindsight it makes sense why He told me to put her in it. And if I hadn't, well, it'd be a sad regret of mine today. I'm so glad she stood up there with me on the most important day of my life.

This weekend, she was prayed over. And something was said to the effect of "You treat your friends as Christ would". And nothing has ever been truer. If Jesus was on this Earth, I believe He would find her to be the best of friends. And I believe since I'm 2,011 years too late to walk around with Him, she might be the closest thing to a Godly friendship I can get.

We can have a conversation from across a crowded room with just one look. A full blown, 5 hour conversation. She knows what I'm thinking, I know what she's thinking, words don't even need to be exchanged. It's a done deal.

She knows my Chipotle order by heart. Now, that, that is love. AND, she buys it for me. Brings it over for dinner. Brings it by to me when I'm at work. She loves it as much as I do. And she shares it graciously.

We never go a day without speaking in some form. If we don't see each other, we are having a continual conversation through text messages that starts from about 10:30 am and ends around bed time. I know what's up with her. She knows what's up with me. At all times.

We are both sarcastic. So if you don't know us very well, we've probably offended you. Sorry. 

We have the same guilty pleasure shows. And neither of us feel guilty when we watch them with each other.

When I told her my doctor wants me eating seafood 3 times a week so Baby Barton will get some protein (since meat is my nemesis), she brought over homemade pesto pasta with shrimp.

She and another wonderful friend cleaned my house when Baby Barton was occupying my life with puking and sleeping.

I don't know anyone who doesn't like her. I know people that don't like me. But not her. 

Hell has broken down her door countless times and she fights back with a fire that I have yet to see in anyone else. And then she wipes Her savior's feet with all those expensive tears.

She encourages my faith. She makes me stand up when I'd rather be benched, but is always standing right beside me in case I fall back down. She prays for me. She cries with me. She laughs with me.

I've had hard relationships with girl's since I was young. There is something about this one that is strong and confident. That is absent of jealousy and filled with joy.

This world would be a happier place,

if everyone in it, had a friend like mine.