Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Father's Heart

Every night, ever since Jace was a newborn, I can hear Owen talking to him, while overlooking his crib. Right before he prays over him, I hear Owen saying "Daddy's very proud of you buddy. I'm so proud of you."

I never really thought anything of it.

When we were in India, Owen and I had some deep conversations and without the distractions of normal life, we got to become best friends again. We had endless hours to talk and laugh and remember why it was we chose each other for this one, wild life. I remember one day, he told me how some kids go their whole lives without ever feeling like they could be good enough for their dad, without ever feeling like they made their dad proud. So, from day one, Owen decided to take a stride and make sure his son would never doubt how proud he has always been of him. No matter what kind of day it is, at the end of it, Jace will always have this security.

That's just a glimpse of the heart of my husband.

The road he is building for Jace to walk on is built by stones of hard work, selflessness, kindness, humility, patience and love. It's been such an honor and privilege to watch him create this safe place for Jace that is also filled with adventures and lots of belly laughs. Our hearts are full.

We are so blessed to have such a strong, solid man who knows who he is and doesn't waver. His confidence helps us brush off our insecurities. His kindness makes our days so full of joy. His adventurous spirit pushes us to be bold. His servant's heart makes us want to serve others. His faith challenges us.  His love makes us feel like nothing in the world can break us.

Happy Father's Day to you, Owen!

Our son is watching your every move. I see him becoming more and more like you.

And for that, I thank you.

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