Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday, Hanchinamunchkins!

Happy Birthday, my boys!! How it breaks my heart that I can't be there to celebrate such a special day!

Since the moment of your existence, you changed us all. I still remember when the doctor said that your mama had miscarried...TWINS! The shock, the tears, the pain. We grieved. Both your daddy and your mommy's families got together and we prayed for a miracle, and a miracle was delivered.  God gave you to us, even when the doctors thought you were gone. You increased our faith and helped us see more glimpses of His goodness. You are God's smile on our family. You are testimonies of His favor.

It feels like it was just yesterday. We headed over with Chinese Food to your house and called it your mom and dad's "Last Supper", the night before you came into this world. And then that day. Oh, that day. The banner, the favors, the streams of people all lined up to meet those new Hanchinamunchkin babies. The world loved you the day you arrived.

You boys have filled me up to the brim. With your crazy good looks and charm and your unique personalities.

Declan. You are the daredevil, probably because you came out first, so feel the need to lead the way. You are the life of the party. You are climbing on things and putting buckets on your head and getting Ethan and Jace all riled up with you. Joy. You bring excitement. You keep your mom on her toes. You have a strong personality, and know what you want. You are a go getter. You are analytical. You have your trademark furrowed brow. With your intense passion and motivation, paired with that brain of yours, I know someday you are going to blow us all away.

Ethan, you were 6 months old when Jace was born. I remember the first time I brought my little newborn over and he was crying. At 6 months, you sat next to me and you patted his back to comfort him. You have showed such a tender compassion at such a young age. You are kind and gentle and sweet. You love to sit and read books. You share your toys. You're calm.  You hide behind this little smile. It's the "Ethan smile". It kind of makes the rest of us catch our breath. It's a smile that makes it seem like you know something that we all desperately want to know.

Happy Birthday, to you 2 miracles.What a  privilege to be your aunty. To cheer you on on the sidelines and see all God has in store for you. How big and full my heart gets that Jace has, not one, but TWO of you, blazing the trail just 6 months ahead of him.

You have made our lives so rich.

I love you boys so much my heart is leaping! Two years and you've already given us so much. I can't get enough. I just can't wait for more.


  1. Thanks, Lisa Aunty! What a precious blog. Melted my heart. I wish we could slow down time so we can savor every moment because before we know it, they will be in backpacks heading off to school. Miss you! Come home soon.

  2. oh my goodness. this is so sweet! happy bday munchies!
