Saturday, November 20, 2010

One Great Summer

I remember the summer of 2008 like it was yesterday. Life was at an all
time peak. It was sunny everyday in Seattle, and even if it wasn't the
world was still so so beautiful. The water was so blue. The air was so
fresh. The heat was like a cozy blanket. I never wanted to sleep (which
if you know me, is not normal) because I wanted to soak in every second
of every day.

2008 was the summer Owen and I started dating.

My world was new. Everything in it was suddenly better. He had just taken a break from his job and I was 'studying' for my boards. So we hung out all the time at coffee shops, Kerry park, the beach, and on and on. We just talked. All day. Everyday. We got to know each other. It's where we built our relationship. It's when we fell in love.

I remember one day, my friend asking me what I liked about it him. And I just started crying. I was so overwhelmed that he was mine. And I wept. I was just so thankful. I wondered why God would smile on me
that much. After all I had done to walk my own way, God gave me more than my heart could contain.

Since that summer, a lot has happened in our relationship. We went
through some big downs and some big ups. We went to Mexico on a
mission's trip with our closest friends. We went on College 20's retreats together. We went through the hard talks of wondering if were supposed to be together forever. We walked through broken relationships together. And are fighting through the devastating pain of Owen losing a very close friend. We got married. We went on our honeymoon. We moved in together.

Our relationship couldn't thrive off just that one great summer. It's not enough to just sit back and do nothing more. Those first moments of being in love weren't enough to get us through life. If we only lived our lives
based on that summer we wouldn't grow together, or learn from each other, we wouldn't gain faith in each other, or more love for each other. We would just be stuck in that first phase of a romantic relationship. We wouldn't build trust. Or lean on each other in trials. While that summer was amazing, we couldn't freeze time and be stuck there forever. We had to move forward. We had to be intentional with each other.

I had the privilege of praying w/ a friend yesterday who is newer in her
walk with Jesus. She started crying and when I asked why, all she could
say was 'I'm just so thankful'. I remember that feeling when I first
came to the Lord. That feeling of just being so overwhelmed by His
goodness. Everyday I was ready to eat up the Word. And ready to give my
life for anything He wanted. I was so amazed by the fact that an
abundance of grace dripped from His wounded hands and drenched my
entire life.

But since then, there are days, I am not intententional. I act as
if those first moments of being in love with the Savior were enough to
get me through life.

I just finished a very mundane week. A week of work, eat, tv, sleep. I
haven't had the desire to open up my bible or pray or anything.

Until last night. When I saw my friend, in those early stages of real
faith. When all you can do is cry.

If I am not intentional with the Lord how will we grow together, or how
will I learn from Him. How will I gain faith in Him or have more love
for him? I will just be stuck in that first phase of a romantic
relationship. I won't learn to build trust. Or lean on Him in my trials.

It's not enough to sit back and do nothing just because I fell in love with Him once.

Because in all reality

No relationship can thrive

off just one great summer.


  1. Right on sister!! Another great post. :)

  2. Boom! Way to tie it all in. :) Great sermon.

  3. awesome lisk. so true. again, i love that this is your heart.
