Thursday, May 31, 2012

1st Mother's Day

My first REAL Mother's Day was so amazing. I still remember last year when I wrote this post, before I even knew Jace's name or gender. This year, he was mine. In my arms to love and cuddle and it was so perfect.

Jace was dedicated at church that morning and we were able to publicly express that we intend to raise Jace up to know the Lord. It gives me goosebumps all over. I was in a pool of thankfulness to have so many people there who supported him and us.

Owen also suprised me with this beautiful table that I love oh so much! I married the best of them. Really.

We then had our whole family over for a Mother's Day BBQ. The sun was shining, the company was wonderful, the food was delicious and said table was filled to capacity.

I'll never forget my first Mother's Day. I can never get enough of the boy who made me a mama.

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